Day Hike on Sarangkot - Shenature Nepal
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Trip Overview

Sarangkot is one of the most popular for its day hike. Sarangkot is also famous for exploring adventurous trips as Paragliding and Zip Flying. These adventurous trips are world famous. You can explore the good views of Pokhara city and its Himalayan range from a far sight. So, if you are visiting Pokhara, then you must also see Sarangkot.


Day hike on Sarangkot is a wonderful day hike in Nepal. Sarangkot is one of the most popular and must see place in Pokhara. The short and rewarding viewpoint from Pokhara, Sarangkot Village is at a 1600m/5250 ft. high altitude. It is around 20 minutes of driving from Pokhara major city. Since this is a hike, it is around 3 hours uphill hike from Pokhara major city. At the top, there is a Sarangkot view tower and are some teahouses for refreshment. The top point blesses with the breathtaking majestic views of Himalayan Ranges of Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Fishtail, and Manaslu. Likewise, you can also view the majestic Pokhara City with the beautiful Fewa Lake, and Peace Pagoda from the Sarangkot.

Sarangkot is also a world-famous top destination for its majestic scene of sunrise and sunset in Nepal. The spectacular sunrise and the gloomy sunset view over the amazing mountains makes you feel amazing. And a great para-gliding sport makes Sarangkot one of the best hiking point for hikers. Similarly, Sarangkot is also popular for a newlywed couple on their special honeymoon trips. The hike will be an escape from the crowd of city and near to nature. From the top, you would want to fly and touch the splendid mountains. Enjoy the trip fullest with the natural scenario. You will enjoy a day hike on Sarangkot.


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