Booking Terms & Conditions

These booking terms and conditions or any other written regards to booking is a base to our relationship as client (you) and SheNature Nepal Private Limited (the company). Kindly read it carefully as, while booking a trip with us, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the company. Similarly, cancellation policy and some limitations applied by the company. The booking terms and conditions establish a legal term contract for booking between us and you for the services.

1. The booking contract

Once your booking is confirmed that follows a contract between SheNature Nepal and you. The tour operator/ travel agent issues a written confirmation as soon as you deposit the amount for your trip. We request you to check the confirmation details assiduously and revert to any incorrect to us. Kindly write your full name according to your passport.

You are designated a contact person if you have booked on behalf of other participants. This applies that you make all the payments together with your booking. This also means that you have to inform us or your group if there will be any changes in terms of your booking.

It will be your sole responsibility to verify the information you have provided on behalf of your other booking participants. As a booking leader, ‌provide complete and accurate information to make your booking. We as a company are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information provided to complete a booking.

2. Booking Deposit

To approve your bookings, we need a 10% trip amount per person, a non-refundable deposit that you can pay by bank transfer or credit card. If you want us to arrange airfare, then pay along with the deposit amount 30 days prior to the departure date. The balance amount you can pay once you are here in Kathmandu for the trip or before packing for the trip as per your preferences.

NOTE: For customized trips/climbing, full payment must be done before the start of the trip. This will give us time for perfect arrangements for the trip.

3. Lifetime Deposit

After you confirm the trip, if any circumstances forces you to cancel the trip then you do not have to worry as your amount will be  saved for a lifetime. You can use the amount for your next trip with us. If because of a health problem, then we expect you to provide a doctor’s certificate or other documents.

4. Pricing

All our trip prices are in US dollars. If you want to have a price in your local currency, then you should state it.

5. Client’s cancellation

The company acknowledges any written cancellation from you. If you cancel the trip prior to 30 days of the departure dates, then your deposit is saved with us for a lifetime. However, if it comes 7 days before the trip, start dates, then we will cut the domestic flight charges, any permits issued and save the remaining amount for your next trip with us. Thus, we recommended you to include a trip cancellation policy while doing insurance for your trip.

If the clients cancel the trip at the last moment because of any emergency, then there won; t be any refund or after the departure if you leave the group for any reason, there won’t be any refund for any unused portion of the trip.

6. Trip Company Cancellation

The company may cancel the guaranteed trip in the event of natural disasters (like landslide, snow, earthquake etc.), flight cancellation by airlines, wars, pandemic, government intervention etc. that are beyond control. In those cases, we will refund the trip price or if you wish, we can offer an alternative route of similar nature and standard. If there will be any additional extra cost arising because of this cancellation, then it’s on your own responsibility.

7. Flights delay

You should know that adventure in the mountains is unpredictable because of the weather. Weather problems may cause domestic flight delays in Lukla and Jomsom, mainly. In such causes, we will manage accommodation (guest house)and food (breakfast and lunch) on your request. However, any expenses incurred for you because of this cancellation is your own responsibility. If you choose another option for a flight like a helicopter flight, then charges are on your own.

8. Trip modification

If you request for a trip booking modification 30 days or prior to your original departure date,we will help you with an additional charge of USD 100 per person. However, if it is done within 30 days, then the charge might be more depending on the tie up with other parties, airlines, hotels, teahouses, etc.

9. Travel Insurance

We will do our best to make your trip safe and comfortable. We are not liable for any injuries, health conditions or other injuries to happen during the trip. Thus,to make the trip hassle free, travel with accurate and adequate insurance that covers medical expenses, accidents, injuries, illnesses, luggage losses, trip cancellation and most important emergency evacuation with a helicopter. Please come with a proof of insurance with you when departing your place. If you could not come with the proof, then we are compelled to cancel your trip, as travel insurance is mandatory for trips.

10. Health and Medical conditions

If you have any medical conditions or physically challenged conditions that will hamper your ability to travel, then we request you to inform us in advance before booking confirmation. We are not a disabled expert company. However, if there are any special requirements that come in written then we will try our best to cater it. For example, request for special dietary preference for trips.

Some trips are not physically challenging and exhausting, so they might not be for all ages, physical (pregnancy) or mental conditions. Thus, it is your responsibility to check before booking the trip.

11. Visa & Passport Information

Traveling with SheNature, you must carry a valid visa and your passport should have 6 months beyond the expiry date from the time of your traveling. It is your own responsibility to have correct documents while traveling. If you are stopped from entering the preferred country due to wrong documents, then we are not responsible for it.

Nepal Visa is easily available upon arrival in Kathmandu. Please check this link.
For Tibet & Bhutan we can assist you on it. For an India Visa, get the visa from your country itself.

12. Service Missed

If you missed our service because of your any personal reason or other than please be informed that there won’t be any refund for it

SheNature may change these terms and conditions repeatedly. Thus, you monitor the update.