Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance is mandatory to enroll for our trips. Actually, it is always wise to have insurance coverage for any part of the world you are traveling to. Get adequate coverage from a reliable insurance provider depending on the trip type. Before the start of the trip, travel insurance proof is mandatory.

SheNature Nepal propose mostly three types of trips in countries like Nepal, India, Bhutan & Tibet – Cultural Tours, Trekking & Hiking and Climbing in Himalayas. Typically, our clients have to be protected against all-inclusive expenses that are likely to happen because of trip cancellation (because of unseen pandemic, natural disasters and so on), flight cancelation, accidents and most importantly, health issues. 

The most important thing you need to be aware of is that for the above different trip categories, you do not need the same type of coverage. For example, for an adventure trip in the Himalayas, your policy should cover emergency air evacuation(helicopter rescue incorporating emergency medical expenses. For luxury city tours, coverage of air ambulance is a waste, you just need a travel policy with emergency medication. You need to select your policy wisely. Thus, we recommend you check all the details firmly before approving your travel insurance coverages.

Insurance for Cultural Tours

Cultural tours are leisure tours that do not travel to high mountains or any other risky zones. Thus, the air ambulance should be primary. In addition, you need to choose travel insurance coverage that compromises medical issues, flight & trip cancelation, and pandemic. 

Insurance for Trekking & Hiking

Trekking & Hiking in the Himalayas might pose a high risk of life because of its various altitudes and mountain terrain. Thus, we recommend good coverage insurance for your trekking holiday. Select a standard trekking insurance that will cover you up to 6,000 m/1, 9, 680 ft. Further, ‌‌ look for trekking insurance coverage for air evacuation. Since you will walk in the mountain terrain where there is no access to roads and hospitals, air evacuation plays a vital role. 

Insurance for Climbing in Himalayas

Climbing in the Himalayas is a significant achievement if you are well-prepared in advance. Mountain climbing insurance makes the experience more enjoyable and memorable. As you will climb with ropes on ice and snow in the mountain, you will need advanced rescue insurance. 

NOTE: Your policy must need to cover “climbing” as an activity, if you are doing any trekking peak.