5 Short Treks You Must Take Around Pokhara, Nepal

5 Short Treks You Must Take Around Pokhara, Nepal | Shenature Nepal

Pokhara is a beautiful city in Nepal that sits along the Phewa Lake and is surrounded by tall peaks of the majestic Himalayas. It’s a popular destination for travelers because of its stunning views and variety of activities. One such activity is trekking, and there are plenty of short treks around Pokhara you can take, for travelers who want to experience the great outdoors without requiring too much time or effort. Here are five of the best short treks from Pokhara

1. Sarangkot Trek

Sarangkot is one of the most popular destinations and a short trek around Pokhara for travelers with limited time, with its breathtaking views of the Annapurna range. The trek starts with an uphill climb through terraced green hills before you reach your final destination at Sarangkot, where you can experience an unforgettable sunrise or sunset with an unobstructed view of some of Nepal’s highest peaks. This trek can be finished in one day, but it’s recommended to spend a night at the top so you can fully appreciate all the beauty that surrounds you. 

2. Peace Stupa Trek

The Peace Stupa Trek is another popular trek in Pokhara due to its easy-to-navigate terrain and wonderful views. The trail takes you up to World Peace Stupa, which offers incredible panoramic views of Pokhara Valley and some snow-capped Himalayan peaks such as Annapurna South and Machhapuchhare (Fishtail). This two-day trek culminates at World Peace Pagoda, where travelers can enjoy a peaceful atmosphere amidst magnificent natural surroundings and far away from any hustle and bustle. 


3. Dhampus Trek

If you want to get off the beaten path but don’t have too much time on your hands, then Dhampus Trek should be right up your alley! This 2-3 day trek takes you through lush forests and small villages situated high above on hilltops while providing stunning views of the Annapurna range along with picturesque landscapes in between them both. Not only will this be a rewarding experience for any traveler, but it will also give them insight into rural life in Nepal as they pass through small villages inhabited by Gurung people who live there happily for generations now!  


4. Begnas Lake Trek

Begnas Lake is one of Pokhara’s hidden gems; it’s located just outside the city limits, yet it feels like a world away from everything else! This 2-3 day trek takes visitors on a journey through some beautiful forests before they reach their final destination- Begnas Lake itself where they can enjoy swimming or fishing while admiring stunning mountain ranges surrounding them from all sides!  

5. Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek

Last but not least is Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek; this 4-5 day long journey will take travelers deep into mountainside wilderness before concluding at Mardi Himal Base Camp which provides spectacular views of the surrounding landscape as well as majestic snow-capped peaks like Machhapuchre (Fishtail) & Annapurna I & II! Not only does this trek provide an opportunity for travelers to enjoy nature at its finest but also gain insight into rural Nepalese culture along the way! 

Pokhara has something for everyone. Whether it’s adventure seekers looking for extreme sports or backpackers seeking leisurely hikes- there’s something for everyone here! And if you’re looking for short treks around Pokhara that won’t take up too much time out of your holiday then these 5 listed above should definitely do justice to your expectations! So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags & come explore the amazing sights that await around Pokhara today! Happy traveling!

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